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GE William a:ge william|k:it (william) (3)
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GE, William
GE, William Ralph
IN, Ge orge William
Author: GE (William)
UUB Par PAPThGE (William), of New York. A Practical treatise on dying of woollen, cotton, and skein silk, with the manufacture of broadcloth and cassimeze, including the most improved trethods in the west of England. Originally pblisbed in New York in 1823...This edition includes an introduction by J. de L. Mann and technical notes by KG. Ponting. (Pasold Occasional Paper8, 1.) pp.26l. dington, Wilts, 1973.
Card ID: 121
Author: GE (William Ralph)
)PQSITORy IttGE (William Ralph), Deao PauL. The Re1icious hi1osopy of P1otinu aM orne modern phi1oopbies of re1Iion. (The Essex HaL Lecture ). pp. 55. H. C.] 80. London, C 1914.]
Card ID: 678
Author: IN (Ge orge William)
KITCIjIN (Ge orge William), A Hist.ory of Fj 1ce..Thir edit.ion, revised. (Clarencori Press Series.) 3vols. Maps. 3 8 . Oxforc, 1892—94. 1. B.C. 8 — i’j). 2. A.D.1453—A.V. 1624. 3. A.L.1b24—A.D. 1793.
Card ID: 507