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GAY John a:an john thomas|k:thomas (for) (39)



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    Author: GAY (John)


    GAY (John), F.RC.S. sir. Gay’s dismissal troin the Royal Free [From the Medical Times, Jan. 21, 1852.] pp. 63—67. [Dc M.1 8°. [London, 182).

    Card ID: 317

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    Author: GAY (John)


    Cia GAY (John), Photographer. See CLBK (Leonard). Prospect of Highgate and Hampstead.. .With photographs by J. Gay. 8o. [London], 1967.

    Card ID: 318

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    Author: GAY (John)


    ‘ VL1i)V’ - GAY (John), the Foot. tThe Works oI John Gay.] 5 vols. Plates. 0 12 . London, 1773—77. 1-.2. Poems on several oooasons. 2 vole. 3. Three hours aft,er narriage: a comedy. Tho Mohooks: a tragi—condoal farce. The Wire of Bath: a ooryiedy. 4. Poems and translations. 5. The Bear opera. Aohlles: an opera.

    Card ID: 319

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    Author: GAY (John)


    GAY (John) the Poet. The Poetical works of John Qay...To which IS prefixed the life of the athor. See AIDRSON (R.)i’.D. A Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. Vol. VIII. London, l?92—1807.

    Card ID: 320

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    Author: GAY (John)


    j,CjCtviiC) 6c GAY (John), the Poet. The Poetical works of John Gay. (Life of John Gay.) pp. xxiii. + 371. Prontipieee. LC.C.J l2. London, 1611. Imperfect wanting the title-page. wrtlramecoiia, enravea3jit1e-page.

    Card ID: 321

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    Author: GAY (John)


    ‘/CH Por GAY (John), the Poet. QV, The Poetical works, etc. PARK (Thomas), LS.A. The Works of the British poets, &.ts. Vols. 16—17. London, 1815.

    Card ID: 322

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    Author: GAY (John)


    GAY (John), the Poet. [Collections.) he Poetical works o? John Gay: including ‘Polly’, ‘The Beggar’s Opera’ and selections from the other dramatic work. Edited [with introduction and bibliography] by G. C. Faber. (Oxford Poets.) pp. xlvii. + 700. Portrait. [Another copy.] 8. London, 1926. 3 ‘Lç — .•, — Lç ‘-—

    Card ID: 323

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    Author: GAY (John)


    MalColm Morley [0] 1) Collection GAY (John), the Poet. Achi1les an opera...Distinguishing also the vuriatIon of -the theatre, as the Theatres—Royal in Qovent—Garcien. Regulated fron tbe prompt— ilr. Wild, prompter. (Bell’s Edition.) pp. Go. Frontispiece. 12°. London, 1777. 3ound. in. a volume lettered: British Theatre. Opera. [Another copy.] Bound in a volume lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, 9 . Ifr

    Card ID: 326

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    Author: GAY (John)


    Malcolm Morley D7V Collection GAY (John), the Poet. The Beggar ‘ opera. • .Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre—Royal in Drury— Lane. Reu1ated from the ?r. Hopkins, prompter. (Bell’s Edition.) pp. 65. Fronti&piece. 12°. London, 1777. Bound in a volume lettered: fritish Theatre. Operas. [Another copy.] “flL— Eotrnd in a vohime lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, 9. (1--

    Card ID: 330

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    Author: GAY (John)


    GAY (John), the Poet. The Beggar’s opera: a comic opera. c& JONES (w.), :f Dublin. Jones’s British theatre. Vol.3. I. Dublin, 1795.

    Card ID: 332

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    Author: GAY (John)


    i C\ij GAY (John), the Poet. The Beggar’s opera, in three performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden.. .With remarks by IIrs. Inchbald. pp. 6i. Frontispiece. 12°. London [i8o81. Bound in a volume lettered: Inchbald? s British Theatre. Vol. XI.

    Card ID: 334

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    Author: GAY (John)


    (-, I, •Y(_C’7” 7 GAY (John), the poet. The Beggar’s opera...As it is. performed at the Theatres Royal. (Oxberry’s Edition.) pp. vi. + (2) + 84. Portrait ancLjagram. 12°. Lqi. i8i8. Bound in a volunie lettered:P1ays VII. ...—[Another issue.] 12 . London, 181& See o)ERRY (William). The New English drama, Vol.2.

    Card ID: 336