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GAUDEN John a:on john|k:to (john) (5)
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TODD, Henry John
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Author: GAUDEN (John)
GAUDEN (John), succ.essively Bishop of Exeter and Qf Worcester. [For editions of the Eucni and critical works relating to it:3 See CHMLES I., of Great_Britain and Ireland. [Doubtful or Supposititious Works. — Eikon Basilike.)
Card ID: 283
GAUDEN (John), successively Eishop of Exeter and of Worcester. Religiosa et fidelis protestatlo I. Gavdén... adversus prsentia declarata proposita & processus exercitus & aliorum, ad judicandum & destruendutn supremurn nostrum dominum Regeni, . See CHARLES I., Kingof Great Britain and Ireland. [Biography. - General Biogrphy.j Sylloge variorvin tractatvvm. . .quibus Caroli. . .Regis innocentia illustratur, etc. - [Amsterdam ], 1649.
Card ID: 284
Author: TODD (Henry John)
M\AJL TODD (Henry John), Archdeacon of Cleveland. A Letter to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury concerning the authorship of Etiii &ncrj Lascribing it to Bishop Gauden.] pp. 168. 8°. London, 1825,
Card ID: 488
Author: No Author available
GAUDEN (John, successivelyBishop of Exeter, and of Worcester. See HOOlR (Richard). The Works of that learned and judicious divine, Mr.Richard Hooker.. .with. . .an account of his life and death [by J.Gauden]. London, 1676.
Card ID: 285
v -r.- - Amyntor; or, .Defence of-Milton’s life. Containing I. a general apology or ail writings p1 that kind; II. •a catalogue of bboks attriui.tpdin the primi— tive times to Jesus Christ...with several...remarks ...relating-to the. canon of scripture; III. a complete history of the book entitul’d Iron Basilike, proving Dr. Gauden, and not King Charles the First, to be the author answer to all the facts alledg’d by Mr.- Wagstaf’t-o the contrary and to the exceptions made against my Lord Anglesey’s Memoranduni,•Dr. Walker’.book or IIrs. Gaudefl’s - narrative, which last piece is now the first time pub1ih’d at large. [By J.T., i.e., John Toland.] pp. (4) + 172. 8 . tpridon, 1699.
Card ID: 23