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GATTEGNO Caleb a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (4)
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GATTEGNO, Caleb and GAY, Alphonse
GATTEGNO, Caleb and OSTROWSKI, Alexander
Author: GATTEGNO (Caleb)
GATTEGNO (Caleb). Conscience de la conscience. (LesUnivers de la Conna±ssance.) pp. 189. 8°. [.Pars), 1951+, DEPosirORY
Card ID: 201
GATTEGNO (Caleb). Introduction i ).a psychologie de.1’arfectivit4 et l’éducation I’amour. (Actualités Pdaggigues et Psy cho1giguj) pp.’ vii. -f 126. 8° Neuchtel and Paris, 1952.
Card ID: 203
Author: GATTEGNO (Caleb) and GAY (Alphonse)
GATTEGNO (Caleb) and GAY (Alphonse)r Un Nouveau phénmne psvchosomatique. pp. 80. Illustrations and iagrain,s. 8°. Neuehtei and Paris, 1952.
Card ID: 206
Author: GATTEGNO (Caleb) and OSTROWSKI (Alexander)
- -f ;-‘-‘ GATTEGNO (Caleb) and OSTROWSKI (Alexander). Beprsentation conforme a la frontire: domaines gnraux. [With a bibliography.] pp. 6o. Paris, 1949. MEMORIAL.D.ES SCIENOES MAPHEIvIATIQUES. M4morial des sciences rnath6matiques, No. 109.
Card ID: 207