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GARRICK vid a:it david|k:on (david) (2)



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    Author: GARRICK (vid)


    PS [ABdd - Studies] GARRICK (vid). [Letters and Journals.] Mme Riccoboni ‘s letters to David Hume, David Garrick and Sir Robert Liston, 176U-1783. [With the texts of some letters from Garrick.] Edited by James C. Nicholls. Oxford, 1976. See STtJDtE C1 VOLTJRE AND THE EIGH’1’H CE1TURY. Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century. Edited by ‘P. Besterinan. Vol.l9.

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: GARRICIC (David)


    YIEFX 969 GARRICIC (David). tPiays altered or adapted by Gerrick.] A Firy tale (tn two acts. Taken from SIkespcare.) [Abridged by George Co1nan the older from ‘A Midswmrr night ‘s dream’ as adapted by vid Garrick.) 1763. A facslmile..drozn the copy in the Birmingham Shakespeare Library. london, 1969. . SXESPEtRE (William). [Midsumnr Night ‘a Dream. I

    Card ID: 146