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GARDNER, John Starkie
GADNR, John Starkie
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Author: GARDNER (John Starkie)
GARDNER (John Starkie). Ironwork, etc. London, 1914—30. See LONDON. [III.] Victoria and Albert Museum.
Card ID: 105
kLLrd’] &ccw:: ‘‘- GARDNER (John Starkie). English enamels. CHURCH AJ4.) Some minor arts as practised in England. By A.H.Church...J..L3. Gardner, pp. 68-82. Iondori, 1894.
Card ID: 101
GARDNER (John Starkie). - Arraour. in Fig1and from the earliest times to the reign of James the First. (The Portfo1jo Monographs on Artistic Subjects, 33.) pp. 100. 1ates and 1l1urations. 8°. London and Nw York, 1897.
Card ID: 99
GARDNER (John Starkie). Catalogue of a collection of European enamels, from the earliest date to the end of the XVII. century. London, privately printed, 1897. SC LONDON. [Ill. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Burlington Fine Arts Club.
Card ID: 100
Author: GADNR (John Starkie)
GADNR (John Starkie). Exhlbition of chased arid embossed steel and iron work of European origin. Catalogued, with an introduction, by J. S. Gardner.] London, privately printed, 1900. See LONDON. 1II. Misce1laneus Institions, Societies, etc.) Burlington Fine Arts Club.
Card ID: 103
Author: No Author available
t r [c . kC’V GARDNER (John Starkie). Old silver-work, chiefly nglish, from the XVth to the XVIIIth centuries: a catalogue of the unique loan collection exhibited in 1902 at St.James’s Court, London, in aid of the Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street. Supplemented by.. .further.. .specimens... Edt.éd, with historical and descriptive notes...and essays on some periods of the silversmith’s art, by J.S.Gardner. pp. xiv. + 198 + 121 plates. fol. Iondon, 1903.
Card ID: 106