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GARDNER John Edmund Garratt a:on john|k:0959 (5)



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    Author: GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt)


    GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt). Dante. (Sixth edition.) [With a bibliography.] (The Temple Primers..) pp. vi. + 166.; Prontis— piece, diagrams and tables. 16°. London, 1912. f%l 1j ____ i)23 [Revised and en1apged edition.] pp. xi. + 207. Frontispiece, diagrams and tables. 8°. London, 1923. Xarry Price Library 1’ L For efeience Only LAnother copyj

    Card ID: 84

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    Author: GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt)


    3EPOS1T0 GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt). The National idea in Italian literature. (Manchester University Lectures, No. 22.) pp. () + 51 + (1). 8°. Manchester, 1921.

    Card ID: 88

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    Author: GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt)


    GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt). Virgil in Italian poetry, . London, (19311. . LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Brttish Acadçy rthe Promotion of Historic, Philosoj*iical and PhiJ.oloica1 Studies. Annual Italian Lecture of the British Academy. 1931.

    Card ID: 94

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    Author: GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt)


    3F GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt). . ) )- See DANTE ArIGHIEBr. [Ec1oe.—J .nd n.giish.J Dante and Giovanni del Virgilio, including a critical edition. of the text of Dante’s ltEclogae 1atInaet and of the poetic remains of Giovanni del Virgillo, by P.H.Wicksteed and E.G.Gardner. Westminster, 1902.

    Card ID: 95

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    Author: GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt)


    GARDNER (John Edmund Garratt). See HUEGEt (F. von), Baron. The Reality of God and Religion & agnosticism: being the literary remains of Baron F. von H1ge1. Edited by E.G.Gardner. London, 1931.

    Card ID: 97