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GARDINER William a:an william|k:it (william) (9)



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    Author: GARDINER (William)


    L_ç C vJj - GARDINER (William), Lana rver. Tavole logaritmiche del Signor Gardiner corette da nolti errori occorsi nelle edizioni inglese e francese e corredate di una nuova teorico—pratca spiegazione del lorc usi da S.Canorai e G.del Ricco...Edizione terza Italiana. pp. (546). [DQ.M.] 8°. Florence, 1782. uglielno Libri’s copy, with hLs_signature pgs ted on the eridanr

    Card ID: 478

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    Author: GARDINER (William)


    Lz Lk GARDINER (William), Land, SryeyQr. Tables portatives de logarithmes, publies a Londres par Gardiner, augment4es, et perfectionn6es dans leur disposition par M.Cailet, et corriges.. . contenant les logarithmes des nombres, depuis 1 jusqulà 102960, les logarithc3es des sinus et tanentes, de seconde en secoride pour le.s doux breuiiers degr4s et de 10 en 10 secondes pour tous les degrs dii quart de cercie, . pp. 64 + (520). [Dc M.j 12°. Prris, 1785.

    Card ID: 477

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    Author: T (William Hickling)


    PRE Car PRXlT (William Hickling) See GARDINER (CJ.nt Harvey). William Hickilng Prescott: a biography... Introduction by Allan tevins. Austin [Texas] and. London, i969.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: NZE (William)


    fr\LR cc ?R!NZE (William). CK-%cA LONDON. [III. 1iscellaxaeou Institutions, Societies, Camden SocIety. [Eublications.) NEW Series. 18. Documents relating to the proceedings against W. Prynne1 in 1834 and 1637.,.Edjted by S. R. Gardiner. [London,] 18??.

    Card ID: 418

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    Author: OLFOD (William Graham)


    folio 53 )4WDB Hol flOLFOD (William Graham), Baron Holford. Report to the Contnon Council of the Corporation of London on the area south and west of St. Paul 5 Cathedral in the City of London. Iyr W.Holford In association with A.Wade, U.Lichfield & Associates, Gardiner & T’neobald, etc. pp. (nh). mus. [Lordcn), 1968.

    Card ID: 526

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    Author: No Author available


    ç * - j Qx. CANOVAI (Stanislao). GARDINER (William), Surveyor.. Tavole logaritniiche...corredate d una nuova teorico— pratica spiegazione del loro usi daS.Canovai e G.del Ricco...Edizione terza italiana. F1Qr.nç, 1782.

    Card ID: 491

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    Author: No Author available


    (. ‘4/&EJ1 .,L. RICCO (Gaeteno del). GARDINER (William), Lauveor. Tavole logaritmiche...corredate di una nilova teorico— pratica spiegazione del loro usi da S.. Oanovai e G.del Ricco...Edizione terza italiana. Fxenc, 1782.

    Card ID: 568

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    Author: No Author available


    r . ‘ffr VLMJ a-n{..J’-’ I?’. GARDINER (William), Land Surveyor. I Tables of logarithms, for all numbers from 1 to 102100, and for the sines and tangents to every ten seconds of each degree in the quadrant; as also, for the sines of the first 72 minutes to ev-ry single second. With other...tables. pp. (6) 4- 14 + (224). IDe LI.) 4. London, printed for the Author, 1742.

    Card ID: 475

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    Author: No Author available


    GREEK, ROMAN AND BYZANTINE MONOGRAPHS. Greek, Roman and Byzantine monographs. 1• CALDER(Sir William N.) The Inscription from Tpie G at Se].inus. 1963. 5. ARISTOTLE. [Fragnents.—Greek and English.) Herac1idi Lembi Excerpta Politiarurn. Edited nd tranolated by M.R.Di].ts. 19?1. 6. TURNER (Eric Gardiner). The Papyroloist at work. 1973. [For later volumes in this series see the Microfiche Cataloguej

    Card ID: 244