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GARDINER, Samuel Rawson
Author: GARDINER (Samuel Rawson)
GARDINER (Samuel Rawson). The Earl of Bristol’s defence of his negotiations in Spain. Edited..1by S. B. Gardiner. [Londonl, 1871. o [IlL Misceflaieous Lntjtution, Societio, etc.] Camden Societr. [Publications.) Old. 3eries 104. The Can1ez2, Misoellarzy. Vol. VI.
Card ID: 431
GARDINER (Samuel Rawson). Four letters o Lord Wentworth...Wit,h a poem on his illness. Edited by S. R. Gardiner. [Londonl, 1883. oe LONDON. Un. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] QamdenSociety. [Publications.] New Series. 31. The Camden Miscellany. Vol VIII.
Card ID: 434
GARDINER (Samuel Rawson). Letters and papers illustrating the relations between Charles the Second and Scotland in i6O. Edited, with notes and introduction, by S.R.Gardiner. Edinburgh, 1894. See EDINBURGH. Scottish History Society. [Publications, 17.)
Card ID: 440
Ccir GARDINER (Samuel Rawson). Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617— 1623 a chapter of English history founded rincipall.y upon unpublished documents in this country, and in the archives of Simanoa Venice, and Brussels. 2 vols. 8. London, 1869.
Card ID: 447
6 MU GARDINER (Samuel Rawson). See LOiTDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Camden Society. [Publications.) Old Series. 103, [and New Series 24]. Hotes of the debates in the House of Lords...1621, (1624 and 1626) S. R. Gardiner. [London,] 1870— 79.
Card ID: 453