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GALILEI Galileo a:c “|k:c(c) (26)



  • card

    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    , GALILEI (Galileo). Le Opere di Galileo Galilei. Prima edizione completa condotta sugli autentici manoscritti palatini, . (supplemento.) [Edited rE.A1bèri. With a bibliography.] 16 vols. in 17. Portrait and folded plates. 8°. Florene, 1842—56.

    Card ID: 140

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    (3cQ GALILEI (Galileo). Galileo e gli scienziati del seicento. [With bibliographies. I (La tteratura italiana: Stori.a eesti, 34.) Vol. 1, j. Diagrams. - - 8°. )1a, and Iai3es, (1953), In - 1. Galileo Galilei. Opere. [A’selection.J A cura di F.Flora. [1953].

    Card ID: 141

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    STERLING LIBRA?’( i REFERENCE QI’!LY GALILEI (Galileo). [Dialogo.’..sopra’i due massimi Sistemi del Mondo.) Dialogo..,doue ne i congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra ± due massinti sistemi del mondo Tolemaico e Copernicano; proponendo indeterminataniente le ragioni filosofiche e naturali tanto per l’vna quanto per l’altra parte. pp. (8) + 455 + (32). 4. Per G.B.Landini: F1orenc, 1632. With a second engraved title,age. S.L.C..I. 372.

    Card ID: 146

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    GALILEI (Galileo). Re flifesa di Galileo Galilei...contro alle calunnie & imposture di 13.Ca1.ra, .‘llith special reference to his ltT.Jsus et fabrica circini.”) f1. 41 ÷ (3). Diaranis. LL’M.J 40 16o7. The titlejge bears the inscription in Galileo’s hand: ITA1 Clar°. S. BenedettoTieiolo: l’Autore’t. The volume was presented to gustus De Morgan by_G. r,ibri. and beirs an autograph inscrjtjon by him on the flyleaf.

    Card ID: 147

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    BC38 Gal GALILEI (Galileo). [Discorsi. . . intorno a due nove Scienze.-&glish.] Two new sciences, including centers of gravity & force of percussion. Translated, with introduction and notes, by Stiliman Drake. pp.xcdx, 323. Facsimile titlepage. Madison, Wis. and London, l97i..

    Card ID: 151

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    [M inJ GALILEI (Galileo). I3toria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie 3olari e loro accidenti coraprese in tre lettere scritte ali’iliustrissimo Signor Marco Velseri, etc. lEach letter preceded by one from the latter. Edited by Angelo de Filiis.j pp. 4 + 164. Portra_ D_ration .LDM. j 40• Rome, 1613. p161— bound before . isi—i6o. ‘1D or cini e & .CaEra3 i6O7 1?

    Card ID: 155

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    [t GALILEI (Galileo). Sidereus nuncius inagna, longeque admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaque prooonens vnicuique, prsertini vero philosophis, atq astronomis, qu a Galileo Galileo.. .perspicilli riuper a se reperti beneficio sunt obseruata in lun facie, fixis innumeris, lacteo cireulo, stellis nebulosis, apprinie vero in quatuor planetis circa lovis stellam disparibus inter— uallis atque periodis, celeritate mirabili circumuolutis, quos, nemini in hanc vsque diem cognitos, nouissime author deprheridit primus; atque medicea sidera nuncupandos decreliit. ff. 28 [or rather 3oJ. Engravings and woodeuts. (TI.P.L.] 4°. Apud T.J3aglionum: Venice, i6io. 2 unnumbered leaves follow f. 16.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    GALILEI (Galileo). Siderev5 nuncius, See GASSEND (P.) Institutio astronomica. . .Cui accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nuntius sidereus, etc. London, 1655.

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    GALILEI (Galileo). [Sidereus:Nuncius. - Eog1ish.] The Sidereal messenger of Galileo Galilei and a part of the preface to Kepler’s Dioptrics containing the original account of Galileo’s astronomical discoveries. A translation vith introduction and notes by E.S.Carlos. (Reprinted b photolithO): [from the edition of 1880j. pp.xi. + lii. plates and diagrams. 8°. London, [19603.

    Card ID: 158

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    GALILEI (Galileo). see BlOT (J.B.) Ar,ic1e de J.B.Biot [on] (Dell’ oroiogio a pendolo di Galileo Galilei: dissertation de Eugenlo A1bri), [Paris printed, t88.

    Card ID: 162

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    GALILEI (Galileo). BlOT (J.B.) La V&rité sur le procs de Galilee, j. [Paris printed, 1856].

    Card ID: 163

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    Author: GALILEI (Galileo)


    GALILEI (Galileo). c& BREWSTER (i D.) The Martyrs of science; or, the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler. Lqnc, 1841.

    Card ID: 166