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GADEURY John to (john) (3)



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    Author: GADEURY (John)


    GADEURY (John). See WHARTON (Sir G.), Bart. The Works ot...Sir George Wharton, Bar. Collected into one entire volume by J.Gadbury. London, 1685.

    Card ID: 239

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    Author: No Author available


    H.P.L. (Gadbury] rarry Price Library Rare Books Case For Rcerence OnLy CHARLES II., King of Great Britain and Ireland. [Appendix. - Miscellaneous .1 See GADEURY (John). The Nativity of the late King Charis astrologically and faithfully performed; with reasons in art of the various success end mis-fortune of his whole life. Being a brief history of our late unhappy wars. Unto which is e&ed by way of appendix the genitures of the late Queen, etc. 8°. j .Cottrel: London, 1659.

    Card ID: 53

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    Author: No Author available


    M.P.L. [Gadbury] rry P: C’ J_.L Ltary Rare Boo)cs Case For rcce Only GADEURY (John). The Nativity of the late King C2iarla. aatrologically and faithfully performed; with reasons in art of the various succees and. mis—fortune of his whole life • Being (occasionally> a brief history of our late unhappy wars. Unto which is a1ded (‘by way of appendix> the genitures of tie late Queen, etc. pp. (i6) + 128 • Portraits, diagrams and tables[1I.P.L.] 8°. J.Cottrel; London, 1659. The portraits, of the author, Charles I and Charles II, are engraved.

    Card ID: 233