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GABLES FLORIDA a:m arthur|k:m (arthur) (2)



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    Author: GABLES (FLORIDA)


    CORAL GABLES (FLORIDA). University of Miami, University of Miami publications in English and American literature. [Volumes in this series are catalogued fully under their authors. j a.ep 1. MATTHEWS (Arthur D.) and. EMERY (Clark M.) Studies in Shakespeare. LBy various authors.] Edited by A.D,Matthews and C.M.Emery. 1953. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: GABLES (FLORIDA)


    CORAL GABLES (FLORIDA). jversity gfjamj, University of Miami publications in English and American literature. [Continued,] 3 EMERY (Clark M.) Ideas into action: a sudyc’ of Pound’s Cxitos. 1958. 5. LAWRENCE (Natalie G,) and REYNOLDS (Jack 4.)j A Chaucerian puzzle, and other medieval essays. Edited by N.G.Itawrece Land] J.4. Reynolds. 19E1. i: SE IEX C.t1RD.]

    Card ID: 234