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G Sir Alexander a:in alexander|k:in (alexander) (5)
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G, Sir Alexander
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Author: G (Sir Alexander)
FLETAI4G (Sir Alexander). Thenotherapy yestei&ay, today and tomorrow... The i.’inacre leeture, delivered at Cambridge on ty 6, 1946. p. 9. Aearams. 80 Cambridge, 1946.
Card ID: 123
Author: No Author available
(J.cj 1.!ACDONALD (Right_Hon. Sir John Alexander), CREtGFrON (Donald G.) John A. r1acdonaid Toronto, 1952._55.
Card ID: 355
STFLI’G U6RARY CsJ flT.[ REFERENCE ONLY CALDER (Alexander). See AESOP. {glish.] Fables of iEsop, according to Sir R. L’Estrange. With...drawings by A,Calder. Harrison: Paris, and New York, [1931].
Card ID: 96
?NICt 0., ROBERTS (Alexander) and DCNAI,DSOJc (Sir James). Ante-Nicene Christian Library, etc. [Continued.] 5. The Writings of irenus. Translated by A. Roberts and W.H.Rarnbaut. Vol. I. EdinburRh, 1869. [A reprint.] LL G dinburgh, 1880. § IRENAETJS, Saint, Bishop of Lyons. tWorks. - En1jsh.]
Card ID: 15
cf53L1 Reference cay. JOHNSTON (Alexander Keith), the Elder. ‘The Physical atlas. A series of maps & notes illustrating the geographical di stribution of natural phenomena by A.Z. Johnston... based on the Thikaliseher atlas of...H. Berghaus, with the co—oteratiom in their several departments of Sir D. Brewster... J.D. Forbes, E. Forbes and J.P. iIichol... A.Boue, G.. Waterhouse...J.S. Russell... G. Kornbst. Divisions peology, hydrography, meteorology, natural history. 4 parts in 1 vol. [.I.J fol. Edinburgh and London, 1848.
Card ID: 348