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G Henry Edward a:g henry|k:0307 (3)
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G, Edward Henry Gordoh
G, Henry Edward
CRAIG, Edward Henry G, rcon
Author: G (Edward Henry Gordoh)
CRAtG (Edward Henry Gordoh). - c-- Ellen Terry and her secret self. (With tInex. A plea for G.BS. on the publication of the correspondence of Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw, and on Mr. Shaw1s preface to that publicationVj pp. xi. + 205 + 29. Frontispiecçpaj.s_aid facsimiles. 8°. London, [1931]. [Another copy.] [SEE N1!XT CARD.]
Card ID: 472
Author: G (Henry Edward)
MA1Ii1G (Henry Edward), CardiraI, Archbishop of Westiinster. WISEMAN (n.i.s.), Cardirii1. Wi11jim Shaice$peare. LFragmnt of a lecture; edited by H.E.ltanning and WThornpson.] London, 1885.
Card ID: 57
Author: CRAIG (Edward Henry G, rcon)
YxL Ci Loq CRAIG (Edward Henry G, rcon). Edward Gordon Craig: designs for the theatre. [Reproductions. With an introduction b] J.Leeper. (The King Penguin. Books, 40.) pp. 47 + 40 plates. Frontipiece and illust rations. 8°. [Hariaondsworth], 1948.
Card ID: 471