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G Edgar Alfred a:in alfred|k:an (alfred) (3)
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G, Edgar Alfred
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Author: G (Edgar Alfred)
xwP E 918 1B2G (Edgar Alfred). See GOE”flh1 (Jobann Wolfgang von). (Two or More Works. - Eng].isli.) The Dramatic works of J,W.Goethe [not including ‘au3t1. Ti-anslated from the German by Sir W. Soott, E.ABowrir.g, A.Swanwick and others. London, 1918.
Card ID: 485
Author: No Author available
sTsa:G L1DAfW isa,.) Ifl [White Owl Press — 1933] REr:;:c c;ax COPPAR]) (Alfred Edgar). Ring the bells of heaven. pp. 55. Trontis. White Owl Press: London, 1933. No. S of 150 copies printed. Signed by the author.
Card ID: 120
GERMANISCHE STUDIEN. Gernanische Studien etc. [Continued.] vyr 8. LLOYD (Morgan D.I.) Studien zu Beinrich von BeringensLL.o Schachgedicht. 1967. Jl 84. FRENZ1 (Eckart). Studjen zur Persónlichkeit Johanns von Mirzburg. 1967. 85. NEIS (Edgar). Romantik und Realisnius in Gottfried Kellers Prosawerken. 1967. 86. GROSS (Erich). C.Miielands ‘Geschichte des Agathon’.g 1967. 87. BESENBEK (Alfred). Kunstanschauung und Kunstlere August di1he1m Schiegele. 1967. [SEE NE) CARD.)
Card ID: 677