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G Charles- a:to charles|k:0812 (7)
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G, Charles-
G, Henry Charles
G, Geoffrey Charles
G, Charles Victor
G, Vincent Charles
G, Charles ienis
GOBE, Charles, successively Bihoi oI_Siorcester, gf Bg and g
Author: G (Charles-)
PIOIBI1G (Charles-). The Gliddon murarty-oas.e in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. pp. 4. Folded plate. See \‘IASHING0N (COLtThBIA) Smithsonian In4ution. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. XVI. article 5. no. 208. Washington, 1870.
Card ID: 259
Author: G (Henry Charles)
BEECHI11G (Henry Charles), Deftriof Norwich. The Character of Shakespeare. (h Br&tih Acacjenw. e Arma] hakespgr.e Lectur.e, 1917.) pp. 25. 80. onon, [1917].
Card ID: 231
Author: G (Geoffrey Charles)
53 rp±d Jeforenoe Crto-bib1iographies (OWLThG (Geoffrey Charles). A Ds criØive list of the printed mspe of Shropshire, A.D. 1577-1900, pp. 23L [Shewburyi, 1959.
Card ID: 320
Author: G (Charles Victor)
UtrUITOR DAIEM5G (Charles Victor). Exposition aes oorn’iaissexices ie Galien stir l’anatornie, la physio].ogie et la atho1ogie du système nerveux, etc. (Pacult6 de !Adeoine de Paris. Wee poir le Doctorat en Méd.ecine, présentee et soutenue le 20 aoOt 1841.) pp. 96. [G.G.] 4° Paris, 1841.
Card ID: 411
Author: G (Vincent Charles)
/1, ‘4j44A(L ILLI1G (Vincent Charles). See DUSTAN (Albert E.) The Science of petroleum. Vol. 6.part 1. The Vorld’s oilfields: the Eastern hemisphere. Editor: V.C.Illing. Lonon, 195.
Card ID: 534
Author: G (Charles i)enis)
x-rT C67 flOSTAIJ4G (Charles i)enis). CONSTANT, du Harnel. Constant du Hamel: fabliau. dition critique avec coznentaire et glcssaire] (C.Rostaing),, 1Paris 1953j.
Card ID: 181
Author: GOBE (Charles), successively Bihoi oI_Siorcester, gf Bg and g)
GOBE (Charles), successively Bihoi oI_Siorcester, gf Bg and g)xfo rd. Can we then believe? Sumuiary of volumes or “Reconstruction of Belief” and reply to criticisms. pp. xix. + 231. 0 8. 1926.
Card ID: 352