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FVAL Paul henri Corentin fval (paul henri corentin) (3)
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FVAL, Paul henri Corentin
FVAL, Paul Henri Corentin
BOURGOIS, August Anicet and FVAL, Paul Henri Corentin
Author: FVAL (Paul henri Corentin)
DEPOSITOR° FVAL (Paul Henri Corentin). La Louve,. (( uvre de P.. Fva1.) 360. CL I. 80. Pari 1883.
Card ID: 151
Author: FVAL (Paul Henri Corentin)
x1_c 1- rn FVAL (Paul Henri Corentin). Rapport sur i.e progrès des lettres. Romans See FRANCE. Departments of State and Official Bodies. inistère de l’Instruction Publigue. Recueil de rapports sur 1e progrès des lettres et des seiences en France. Rapport sur le progrès des lettres, etc. pp. 33—63. Paris, 1868.
Card ID: 153
Author: BOURGOIS (August Anicet) and FVAL (Paul Henri Corentin)
Milcolni Morley 2 7 Collection ‘“ BOURGOIS (August Anicet) and FVAL (Paul Henri Corentin). The Duke’s daughter; or, the Hunchback of Paris: a drama in three acts and a prologue. Dran3atized from P.Fva1’s “I.e Petit Parisien”, . [1863.] See LILCY cchomas Hailes). I,acy-’s (French’s) acting edition, 852.
Card ID: 228