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FUSSELL George Edwin a:be george|k:0208 (4)
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FUSSELL, George Edwin
Author: FUSSELL (George Edwin)
FUSSELL (George Edwin). J4 The Exploration of England: a slect cI bibliography of travel and topography, 1570—1815. pp.56. 4°. London, 1935.
Card ID: 358
FUSSELL (George Edwin). The Farmer’s tools, 1500—1900: the history of British farm implements, tools and macthinery before the tractor carae. [With a bibliography.] pp. 246. Plates. 8°. London, 1952.
Card ID: 359
FUSSELL (George Edwin). Farming systems froni Elizabethan to Victorian days in the north and east ridings of Yorkshire. [By) G.. Pusseil, [York], 1944. See YORK, City of. Castle Museum. Kirk Coil ectiori.
Card ID: 360
FUSSELL (George Edwin). Fro!n Tolpuddle to T.U.C.: a century of farm labourers’ politics. Lwith a bibliography.] pp. 150. 8°. Slough, 1948.
Card ID: 361