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FULLER Thomas a:p \f j|k:p (will) (14)



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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas), D.D. Pre cI Salisbury. Abel redevivus; or, the Dead yet speaking. The lives and deaths o’ the nodern divines. By T.Fuiler, assisted by several able and learned men [D.Featley, T.Gataker, Dr. Smith, W.Bedell, H.Isaacson, H.Holland and others. With laudatory inscriptions in verse by F.Quarles and J.Quarles.] A new edition, with notes, by W.Nichols. Illustrated with... portraits. 2 vols. £InUQiece. [&R.1 8°. London, 1867.

    Card ID: 381

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    _ tvl I 04:) FULLER (Thomas), D.D., Prebendary of Salisbury. The Historie of the Holy warre. [[Continued.] — The fourth edition. pp. (16) + 286 + (28). Folded map and. tables. fol. Printed by T. Buck: [Cambridge], 1651. With a second, engraved titleoage. The folded map of Palestim has been heafly cut, removing a good deal of the engraved area, and. bound in as a double niate. The first and 1as leaves have been pasted down on the boards. With a large wormhole, affecting some letters of the text, - especially in the final tables.

    Card ID: 386

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    1 i, FULLER (Thomas), D.D., Prebencl.e.xy o Salisbuq. The History of the worthies of England., who for parts and learning have been eminent in the several cointies. Togetbsr,with an historical nrrat ive of the native öorniuoä.ities and rarities in each county. Endeavotredby TJnfler, D.D. EEdited by Jolm Fuller.j 4 parts in 1 vol. Portrait. fol. London, 1662. Eaohrt is separately paged. Pt. 4 has a separate titlepago - readin€: “The Principality of Wales.” The Iidex to he workThoimdThi in this oop was first’ publishid. in 1744. [SEE NEXT CARD]:—

    Card ID: 388

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas),. D.D., Prebendary of Sa1iay. The History of the worthies of EnglEnd, etc. [Continued.J —[Abridged edition.] The Worthies of England. ..Edited with an introduction and notes by J.Freeman. [With a bibliography.] pp. xviii. + 716. Portrait. 8°. London, 1952.

    Card ID: 391

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas) D.D., Prehendary of Saisb. The History of Vtaltham—Abby in Essex, founded by King Harold. London, 1655. See supra: The Church—history of Britain,etc.

    Card ID: 392

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas), D.J3.., Prebendar of Salisbury. The Holy state...The second edition enlarged. (The Profane state.) pp. (8) + 510 [or rather, 468]. Portraits. fol. Cadge and Londofl, 1648. With p second, engraved tjtleg. The Profane stat has its own titlepage, bt p.ginationand regjster are ontinuou. The g1ation La irre1ar4pau].r the nübers p434 are omitted. he leaves G6andi2 are torn, part of the text being missing.

    Card ID: 394

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    I’t CfLj FULLER (Thomas), L..D., Prebendary of Salisbury. Thomas Fuller’s The Holy state and The Drofane state. Edited by M.G.Walten...Subniitted...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in... Columbia University. (.çotuma Univers Studies in English and Comparative Literature, 136.) 2 vols. raitS. 8°. New York, 1958. 1. Introduction, notes, and appendix. 2. A facsimile of the first edition, 1642, reduced in size.

    Card ID: 395

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    f pw FULLER (Thomas), D.D., Prebendary of Salisbury. A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof -with the -history of the Old and New stament acted thereon. 2 parts in 1 volume. Plates, maps and plans. fol • J .F. for J .willinms: London, 1650. Imperfect; wanting the second, engraved titlepage,-the armor1&l plate facing p • 1 end the engraved maps facing pp. 73, 91 and 103, which have been supplied In photographic facsbiile.

    Card ID: 396

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas), D.D., Prebendary of Salisbur [Selections.] See MONTAGU (B.) Selections from the works of Taylor, Hooker, tç. Third edition. pp. 289—328. London, 1829. —— Fifth edition. pp. 241—273. London, 1839.

    Card ID: 399

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas), D.D. Preber.dary of Salisbury. Wise words and quaint counsels of T.Fuller. Selected and arranged, with a short sketch of the author’s life, by A.Jessopp. pp. xxxi. + 2 LL5. 80 Oxford, 1892.

    Card ID: 402

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas) D.D,Prebendarv of ‘i Splisbury. See BAILEY (J.E.) The Life of Thomas Fuller, etc. London, 1874.

    Card ID: 403

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    Author: FULLER (Thomas)


    FULLER (Thomas), D1.D.,Prebendary of Salisbury. See OXFORD. Oxford BibiioraphiôaI Society. Proceedings and Papers. vol. 4. pp.. 6,—16t. (A Bibliography of the works of Thomas Fuller. Edited by S. Gibson, a.) Oxford, 1936.

    Card ID: 405