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FULLER John a:i i john|k:on (john) (8)
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FULLER, Basil and CORNES, John
FULLER, John Frederick Charles
TD, John Aleender Fuller
MAITLAND, John Alexander Fuller—
Author: FULLER (John)
FULLER (John), M.D. - The HIstory of BerwIck upon Tweed, IncludIng a short account of the vIllages of Tweedrnouth and SpIttal,&c. 2 parts In I vol. Plates and folded m. 0 e.. EdIzIg ann: LOIfl, 1799.
Card ID: 319
Author: FULLER (Basil) and CORNES (John)
“1 E) J) FULLER (BasIl) and CORNES (John). No. 10 DownIng Street, pp. 288. PortraIts and p1a. 8°. London, 1936.
Card ID: 194
IJ r LI FULLER (BasIl) and CORNES (John). No. 10 DownIng Street, ejç. pp. 288. Portra1t and p1a. 8°. London, 1936,
Card ID: 296
Author: FULLER (John Frederick Charles)
DEPOSITORY FULLER (John FrederIck Charles). The FoundatIons ot the scIence o war. pp. 335. DIagrams. 8° London, 11925).
Card ID: 322
- r FULLER (John FrederIck Charles). GeneralshIp: Its dIseases and’ theIr cure. A study of the personal factor’-IncoIomand. pp. 89 + (7). Djagams. 8°. London, 1933.
Card ID: 323
FULLER (John FrederIck Charles). War and western cIvIlIzatIon, 1832—1932: a study of war as a polItIcal Instrument and the expressIon of mass democracy. f WIth bIblIographIcal notes.) pp. 287. 8°. Duckwor, 1952.
Card ID: 329
Author: TD (John Aleender Fuller)
LIAITLP2TD (John Aleender Fuller). The Spell of nmeIo: afl attempt to analyse the enjoyment of musIc. pp. xIv.÷ 108. 8°. London, [1926.]
Card ID: 352
Author: MAITLAND (John Alexander Fuller—)
MAITLAND (John Alexander Fuller—). See COLERIDGE (Arthur D.) RemInIscences. EdIted by J.A. Fuller— MaItIancI, &tc. London, 1921.
Card ID: 353