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FROISSART Jean a:in john|k:in (john) (6)
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JOENES, Thomas
SCHEIBEI, Johann Ephraim
Author: FROISSART (Jean)
FROISSART (Jean). tChronigues. — Egljsh.J Sir John Froissart’s Chronicles of England, France and he adjoining coimtries...Newly translated T..Johnes. (Vol.5. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart from the French of J.B. de La Gurne de Sainte—Palaye]...Some account of the manuscript of his chronicle in the Elizabethiai Library at Breslau [translated from the German of J.E.Scheibel), and a complete index, by T. Johnes.) Vols.1—2, 4—5 in S vole. Plates and map 4°. At the 1afod Press, 1803—10. Imperfect; wanting Vol.5. complete set of plates, 58 in number which were issued with this edition, is bound a the end of Hoarth’s .Aialysis of “ 1772.
Card ID: 9
Author: BOURCHIER (John)
BOURCHIER (John), 2nd Baron Berners. [For editions of Lord Berner& translation of Frojssart’s Chronicles, and selections and extracts therefrom:] See FROISSART (Jean).
Card ID: 539
Author: No Author available
- _Th LA CURNE DE SAINTE.PELAYE (Jean Baptistec). See FROIS6RT (Jean). CChroniquee. - En1ish.J Sir John Froissart’s Chronicles of England, France and the adjoining countries....Newly translated.. .by T.Johnes. (Voi.5. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart Cfrom the French of La Curne de Sainte—PalayeJ... Some account of the manuscript of his chronicle in the Elizabetlalan Librry at Breslau ttranslated from the German of J.E. Scheibel) and a complete index, by J.Johnes.) 4° At the Mafod press, 1803—10.
Card ID: 416
Author: JOENES (Thomas)
JOENES (Thomas), of afcd. FROISSART (Jean). [Chroniquês. — Eilish.] Sir John Froissart’s Chronicles of England, France and the adjoining countries...Newly T.Johnes. (Vol.5. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Frojasert [from the French of La Curne de Sainte-PalayeJ ...Sorie account of the manuscript of his chronicle in the Eljzabehiaj Library at Breslau ttrnslated from the German of J.L. Scheibçi),anda complete index, by T. Johnes.) 4o• At the Hafod Press, 1803-’io
Card ID: 53
ho FROISSART. (Jean). [Chroniques. — Engii.] Sir John Froissart’s chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining countries. Translated from the orinal J.Bou.rchier, Lord Berners. Reprinted from Pynson’s edition of 1523 and 1525, with the names of places and persons carefully corrected. To which are added a memoir of the translator and a copious index, etc. 2 vols. plates and maps. 40 Londo, 1812.
Card ID: 10
Author: SCHEIBEI (Johann Ephraim)
F t\’Bi ere\\Cc cS SCHEIBEI (Johann Ephraim)i FROISSART (Jean). [Chroniques. - Ewlish,] Sir John F’oissart’s Chronicles of England, France and the adjoining countries...Newly trsnslated. . .by T.Johnes. (Vol.5. Memoirs of the life of Sir J0hn Froissart trrom the French of La Gurne de Sainte—Palaye] ...Some account of the manuscript of his chronicle in the Elizabéthian Library at Breslau [translated from the German of J.E. Scheibel), nd acomplete index, by T.Johnes.) 40 At the Hafod Press, 15O—1O.
Card ID: 438