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FRIES Charles Carpenter a:c “|k:c(c) (5)
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FRIES, Charles Carpenter
LADO, Robert and FRIES, Charles Carpenter
FRIES, Charles Carpenter and TRAV, Alice Aileen
Author: FRIES (Charles Carpenter)
‘v773 Fri FRIES (Charles Carpenter). [Appendix.] Studies in languages and linguistics in honor of Charles C. Fries. [By various authors.] Edited by AJ.Marckwardt [and others], etc. pp. x. + 371. Ifluatrations, maps, diagrams and. tables.. 8°. Ann Arbor, 19611.
Card ID: 201
FRIES (Charles Carpenter). See LADO (Robert) and FRIES (Charles C.) English pattern practices: establishing the patterns as habits. (Revised edition. Second printing.) Ann Arbor, 1958.
Card ID: 202
YA FRIES (Charles Carpenter). See LADO (Robert) and FRIES (Charles C..) English pronunciation: exercises in sound segments, intonation, and rhythm. (Second printing.) Ann Arbor, 1958.
Card ID: 203
Author: LADO (Robert) and FRIES (Charles Carpenter)
LADO (Robert) and FRIES (Charles Carpenter). English pattern practices: establishing the patterns as habits. (Revised edition. Second printing.) (An Intensive Course in English.) pp. xxiv. ÷ 338. lded charts. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1958.
Card ID: 509
Author: FRIES (Charles Carpenter) and TRAV (Alice Aileen)
—fr ‘ 1 $‘ r ‘ FRIES (Charles Carpenter) and TRAV (Alice Aileen). English word lists: a study.of their adaptability for instruction. Prepared for the Coittee on Modern Languages of the American Council on Education. [With a bibliography.] pp. ix. + 109. 8°. Arbcr, 1950.
Card ID: 204