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FRIEDMANN Georges on (georges) (3)
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FRIEDMANN, Georges and NAVILLE, Pierre
P, Guy de
Author: FRIEDMANN (Georges)
FRIEDMANN (Georges). La Crise Gu progrs: esquisse d’hi.stoire des id4es, 1895—1935. Deuxième dition. [With bibliographical notes.] pp. 284. ab1es. 8°. 1936.
Card ID: 453
Author: FRIEDMANN (Georges) and NAVILLE (Pierre)
1A Fri FRIEDMANN (Georges) and NAVILLE (Pierre). Trait de sociologie du travail.. Avec le concours de J .-R .ranton [and others]... Seconde dition, revue. 2 vols. Bibliogrephies, diagrams, charts and tables. 8°. Paris, 19614, 1962. Vol. 2 is of the first edition.
Card ID: 456
Author: P (Guy de)
L BAThP (Guy de) . nd FRIEDMANN (Georges). ‘A History O.f the Prench people...?Iith an introduotion by H. Barbusse. [Translated by E. Sidgviiok and. IC. E. Innee.) (Histories of the Peoples. General editors, G. P.:Go an IEiEs.) pp. ix. + 315. Mai. 0 8 London, [1923.)
Card ID: 117