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FRENCH Gilbert James french (gilbert james) (3)



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    Author: FRENCH (Gilbert James)


    DEPOSITORY FRENCH (Gilbert James). On the banners of the Bayeux Tapestry, and some of the earliest heraldic charges...Reprinted from the Journal of the Archo1ogica1. Association of Great Britain and Ireland, July 1857. pp. (2) + 22. Plates and illustrations. 80. T,oflciQfl, [printed for private circulation], 1857.

    Card ID: 288

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    Author: IEH (Marie Joseph Paul ROci Yves Gilbert)


    NEO coo LU MO1’IEH (Marie Joseph Paul ROci Yves Gilbert), Marquis de la Fayette. See coor (James Fenimore). [Letters.) Letter to Gen. Lafayette. . - and related correspondence on the i’inance controversy. Reproduced froni the original Paris editions of 1831 and 1832 in English and in French. With a bibliographical note by Robert E. Spiller. New York, 1931.

    Card ID: 28

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    Author: R (Marie Joseph och Yves Gilbert)


    cD li MOTIgR (Marie Joseph och Yves Gilbert), Marquis de Lai’ayette. Le Gnral Lafayette a ses coflègues de la Chambre des Doutés...1832. flEA YORK. Facsimile Text Society. LPublications.] Series I. Literature and language. 6. Letter to Gen.Lafayette, by James Fenimore Coopor and related correspondence on the finance controversy. Reproduced from the original Paris editions of 1831 and 1832 in English and in French, iew York, 1931.

    Card ID: 19