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FREEMAN, Edward Augustus
Author: FREEMAN (Edward Augustus)
Mw FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). Exeter...Thjrd edition. (Historic Towns.) pp. xiii. + 255. Mafl. 8°. Lon and Nyi YQrk, 1892.
Card ID: 436
FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). History of federal government, from the foundation of the Achaian League, to the disruption of the United States. Vol. 1. General introduction. History of the Greek Federations. pp. xl. + 721. 8 . London and Cacibrig, tg63. No nore ublished, wo con enporar% reviews o1 the work and an article by Freeman entitlec ‘The Proposed revision of the Swiss federal constitution,’ are inserted at the end of the volume. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 444
FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). History of federal government, . [Continued.] —— (Second edition.) Historyof federal government in Greece and Italy...Editecl by J.B.Bury, pp. xlviii. + 692. 8°. London and £ew York, 1893.
Card ID: 445
FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). The Reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First, eto.C With a, bibliography.] 2 vols. Maps. 8°. Oxford, 1882.
Card ID: 453
FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). The Sacrifice of education to examination. (The Nineteenth Century. No. GXLI. November, 1888.) [London, 1888..] See SACRIFICE.
Card ID: 454
DEPOSITORY FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice, etc. pp. xix. + 395. Plates. 8°. London, i88i.
Card ID: 456
DEPO8Itfl FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). Studies of travel. [Edited by F.Freeinan.] 2 vols. Portratt and fronipice. 12°. New_York and Jordon, 113931. 1. Greece. 2. Italy.
Card ID: 458
FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). • See HUNT (w.), vicar of Congresbu. Edward Augustus ‘reeman, etc. [Taunton, 1892.]
Card ID: 463