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FREBE Walter Howard a:frebe walter howard|k:0334 (2)
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FREBE, Walter Howard
Author: FREBE (Walter Howard)
• FREBE (Walter Howard), Bishop of Truro. ENGLAND. Church of England.—Church Societies.- Church Association. [Tracts.] 304. “Procter on the Prayer Book”, as “rewritten” by Mr. Frere: a review by J.T.Tornlinson, etc. London, 11901.]
Card ID: 454
FREBE (Walter Howard), Bishop of Truro. LO’DON. [II. Boroughs, Stepney. Parish of_Stepney. - - Memorials of Steney parish...the Vestry Minutes from 1579 to 1662, now first printed, with an intro— duction...Edited by G.W.Hill arid W.Rjrere. Guildford printed, 1890—91.
Card ID: 456