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FRAZER Sir James George a:an james|k:0847 (6)
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FRAZER, Sir James George
FRAZER, sir James George
FRAZER, Sir James-George
Author: FRAZER (Sir James George)
• PNS Fra - FRAZER (Sir James George). Folk-lore in the Old Testament: studies in con2oarative religion, legend and law. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1918. [Another copy.) 1+ PU Abridged edition. pp. xoc. + 476. f’ iN\S 8°. London, 1923.
Card ID: 65
FRAZER (Sir James George). The Golden bough: a study in nagic and religion. Third edition. Sparts..ih 11 ‘ol. Frontispiece. 8. London, 1907—30. J 1. The Magic art and the evolution of kings. 2 vols. 1911. 2. Taboo and the perils of the soul. 1911. 3. The Dying god. 1930. / 4. Adonis, Attis, Oeiris: et.idiee in the history of oriental religion, ‘907. 5. Spirits of the corn and of the wild. 2 vole. 1912. 6. The Scapegoat. 1913. 7. Balder the Be-”4-”‘tc. 2 vols. 1913. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 68
1% FRAZER (Sir James George). The Golden bough, etc. Icontinued.] — Aftermath: a supplement to the Golden bough. pp. xx. ÷ 494. 8°. London, 1936. (Another copy.) M.5iL1-q [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 69
Author: FRAZER (sir James George)
FRAZER (Sir James George). Lectures on the early history of the kingship. pp. xi. + 309. 8°. London and New York, 1905.
Card ID: 72
) 1 I() FRAZER (Sir James George). The Native races of Africa axió Madajascar. A copious selection of passages for the study of social anthropology £rori the manuscript notebooks of Sir J.G.Frazer. Arranged and edited... by R.A.Downie. (Ant1noloia Anthropoloica.) pp. xii. - (1) + •78. Portrait, facsimile and maps. 0 4 . London, 1938.
Card ID: 76
Author: FRAZER (Sir James-George)
FRAZER (Sir James-George). -. The Native races of Australasia, including Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, New Guinea and Indonesia: a copious selection of passages for the study of social anthropology from the manuscript notebooks of Sir J.G. Frazer. Arranged and edited from the MSS. by fl.A. Downie. (Anthologia Anthropologica.) pp. vi. + (2) + 390. Maps. 4°. London, 1939.
Card ID: 79