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FRANK, Philipp
Author: FRANK (Philipp)
AKA Bos FRANK (Philipp). Boston studies in the philosophy of science. Vol. 2. In hon’r. of Philipp Frank. Edited by fl.S.Cohen and M.W.Wartofsky. Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, 1962— 1964. 8°. New York, 1965. See BOSTON (NAsSACHUSETTS). Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science.
Card ID: 652
FRANK (Philipp). - Das xausaigeetz und seine Grenzen, (Schriften zur wissensehaftljcthen Witauffassug, 6) pp. xv. +8. Diagrams. 80 Vienna, 1932..
Card ID: 654
DEPOSITORY FRANK (Philipp). Relativity: a richer truth...With a foreword by A.Einstein. [With a bibliography.] pp. 124. 8. London, 1951.
Card ID: 655
DPOSJTORy FRANK (Philipp). Thorie de la connaissance et physique moderne...Traduction du Gnra1 E. Vouillemin, revue et mise a jour par l’auteur. Introduction de 11. Boll. (Actualitês_Scientificiues et Industrielles, 97.) pp. 53. -_____________ 8°. Paris, 1931k.
Card ID: 656