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FRANCIS John a:on john|k:0959 (114)



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    Author: FRANCIS (John)


    FRANCIS (John), Tran1ator. Sec RTJYSBROECK (Jan van). Thc Boo& or the béguines..,. Translated from the F1eish by J.Francis, vith ap introduction and notes. London, l13. 4

    Card ID: 324

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    Author: BARCLAY (John Francis)


    BARCLAY (John Francis) Arthur & Company Limited, Glasgow: one hundred years of textile distribution. pp. 172 + xiii. Portraits, plates, map and tables. 8°. [GlasgoW, printed for private circulation], 1953.

    Card ID: 179

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    Author: ONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAU1ONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John), Dramatist. [For editions of plays commonly ascribed to Beaumont and Fletcher, in which the authorship is attributed to Fletcher alone: —] See FLETCHER (John), Dramatist.

    Card ID: 225

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    Author: BEAUMOIIT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    - (1 BEAUMOIIT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John). The Works of Mr. F. Beauniont and Mr. J. Fletcher...With notes critical and explanatory by...Mr. Theobald, Mr. Seward...and Mr. Sympson. 10 voJ.s. Portraits. 8°. London, 1750.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: BEAUNON (Francis) and FLCflER (John)


    Malcolm Morlel Collectioti BEAUNON (Francis) and FLCflER (John), Dramatist. [The Beggar’s Bush.] The Merchant of Brugos: a play in fi’e acta. A1teed from Beaumont and Fletcher, by D. Kinna ird. [1875’?] DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 103.

    Card ID: 239

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    OAk1 BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John), Dramatist. The Chances: a coedy. [Altered from Beaumont and F1etchr] bD.Garrick. Marked with the variations in the manager’s book, at the Theatre—Royal in Drury—Lane. Londofl, 1777. See ENGLISH THEATRE. The New English theatre, . Vol. 1:1.

    Card ID: 246

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    Author: ONT (Francis) and FLETCHE! (John)


    BtcL Iv1,Lj BEAU?ONT (Francis) and FLETCHE! (John), Djamatist. The Chances: a comedy, in five acts, by BeauvØnt and Fletcher. [Taken from the novel by Cervantes Saavedra, entitled t1La Senora Cornelia”. Altered by George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham.] As performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden. . .With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. pp. 88. Frontispiece. 12°. London, (1808]. Bound in a volume lettered: Inchbald’s British Theatre. Vo]. XI.

    Card ID: 248

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    C Lc( BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John) Dramatist. - [The Chances.] The Chances: a comedy, in five acts. Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher, by David Garrck. LONDON STAGE. - The London stage, Vol. 4. ondon, [1824—27].

    Card ID: 249

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    Author: BEATJLIONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEATJLIONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John), Piaujtit. EThe Coxcomb,J The Coxcomb. See CITY-RAMBLE. The City—ramble; or, a Play—house wedding., . LPartly taken from the Knight.. of. the. burning pestle and the Coxcomb of Beaumont and Fletcher. L2zu, 1171i].

    Card ID: 251

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    Author: EAUNO (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    aeobx Morley ClIection EAUNO (Francis) and FLETCHER (John), Dramatjt. {The Elder Brother.j The Elder brother: a comedy in five acts. 11883.] DIOIS (John). Dicka’ standard p].8ys, 361.

    Card ID: 253

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    Author: BEAULONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAULONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John), Drama. - [The Elder Brother.] [For editiohs of “Love makes a man” by Coiley Cibber based on John Fletcher’s “The Elder brother” and “The Custom of the country”:—] See CIBBER (Colley).

    Card ID: 256

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John), Dramatist. [The Honest Mants Fortune.] [For UThe honest mans fortune!? at one time attributed to Beaumont and Fletcher:] See !iAN.

    Card ID: 260