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FOXON David Fairweather a:on david|k:it (david) (2)



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    Author: FOXON (David Fairweather)


    f YK P76HM 970 FOXON (David Fairweather). $ee POPE (Alexander), the Poet. Epist1e to Dr.Arbuthnot.] An Epist3,e from Mr.?ope to Dr.Arbutbnot, 173i (a facsintile of Fodley M 3. 19 Art. 17.), and Epis tie VI I to-Dr. Arbutlmot from The Works, Volume II. 1735 (a facsimile of the copy in Edinburgh University Library. Edited by)(D.F. Foxon). )4eraton, 1970.

    Card ID: 464

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    010 P.C.) FOXON (David Fairweather). Thoughts on the history and future of bibliographical description. Text of a lecture given at thèUniversityôf Calirornia in April, 1970.. • Los Angeles and Berkeley, 1970.

    Card ID: 463