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FOX Sir Charles in (charles) (6)
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FOX, Sir Charles
FOX, Sir John Charles
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Author: FOX (Sir Charles)
FOX (Sir Charles)1 Civil Engineer. ALA IC OCEAN. Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by a navigation across t4e Isthmus of Darien: tSir Charles Fox s sohemeJ. London, l83.
Card ID: 244
Author: FOX (Sir John Charles)
SqW Nea FOX (Sir John Charles). See NEALE (omas), Groom-Porter to their Majesties. The Lady Ivie ‘s trial for great part of Sha.dvell... before lord Chief Justice JelTreys in 16814. [Plaintiff: T.Neale.] Edited by Sir J.C.Fox, etc. 80. Oxford, 1929.
Card ID: 379
Author: No Author available
MVR(P.c.1) Fox (Right Hoxi. Charles James). BUTTERFIELD (Sir Herbert). Sincerity and. insincerity in Charles James Fox...The Raleigh Lecture on History, British Acaden, 1971. From the Proceedings oi the British Acade’, Vol. LVII. London, 1972.
Card ID: 266
1. FOX (Right Hon. Charles James). See TREVELYAN (Pit. Hon. Sir C. 0.), Bart. The Early history of Charles Janes Fox. London, i88o. Second edition. London, iSSo. New edition. , i88i. A reprint.] London, 1889. [SEE NEXT CAnD.]
Card ID: 278
MW PM 41 -e Cw’,..Lj WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard). See FOX (Joscelyn Plunket Bushe—). Excavation of the late-Celtic urn—find at Swarling, Kent. (Appendices. By R.A.Srnith, D.Atkinson1 C .L.Woolley.) London, 1923.
Card ID: 260
•: :j p” L. TEVELYAN (Rt. Hon. Sir George Otto), Bart. The ar1y htory of Charles Jazne3 Fox. pp viii. + 545. 0 8 . London, 1880. Second edition. . viii. + 54b. {i.i.] 8°. London, 1880. -New edition. ,p. viii.+ ].8. 80. London, 1881.. [A reprint.] pp. viii. + 518. . London, 1889. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 357