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FOX John a:to john|k:to (john) (85)



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    Author: FOX (John)


    FOX (John), the Martyroj.ogist. [Actes and ?tonuments. — Abricfgmens and Extracts.] An Abridgement of the booke of acts and monuments of the church, written by that Reuerend Father, Maister I. Fox, and now abridged by T. Bright, etc. 2 partsin 1 vol. [D.—L.L.J I. Windet, at the assient of T. Bright: London, 1589. With a few me. es.

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: FOX (John)


    FOX (John), the Martyrologist. See D., N. A Treatise of three conversions of England from paganisme to Christian religion... (The third part...eonteyninge an examen of the Calendar or catalogue of Protest-. ant saints, martyrs and confessors, diulsed by Iohn Fox etc.) By N. D[oleman, i.e. Robert Parsonsj. St.Orrier1, 1603—04.

    Card ID: 372

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    Author: FOX (John)


    FOX (John), the Martyrologist. [Actes and Monuments.] Actes and monuments...The fift time newly imprinted. LOontinued.] [Another copy of vol. 1.] Imperfect; wan±ing the last three leaves. The titlepage has been mounted.

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: FOX (John)


    1) - — r 1• I “? j - FOX (John), the Mprtjo1ogjst. A Sermon of Christ crucified, [Continued.] - [Another edition.) pp. (232). 40, Iniprinted. by Iohn Daye: London, 1577. pçfect wanting Section J.

    Card ID: 371

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    Author: FOX (John)


    c’v FOX (John) the Martyroiogist. ‘i “ See LOITDON, [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, — Societies, etc.) Oamten Sooiet [Eublioations.J OT. Series. 77. Narratives of the de.ys of the Reformation, chiefly from the manuscripts of John Foxe the martyrologist; etc. london, 1859.

    Card ID: 373

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    Author: FOX (John)


    -‘-‘ C Aj (j FOX (John), the Martyrologist. TYNDJLE (William). The Whole workes of W.’ynda1l, 10km Frith, and Doct. Barnes, (with a commendatory preface by J.Fox, and the life of each author prefixed to his works, extracted from the Book of acts and monuments of the church, by J.Fox.) London, 1573.

    Card ID: 376

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    Author: FOX (John)


    3ACON O0ETY RgpiCt ce FOX (John), the LActes and Monuments. j Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, hajpening in the Church, with an vniuersall history of the same...The fift time newly imprinted. (The seconde volume of the ecelesiasticall historie, etc.) 2 vols. in 1.Illustratlons, map and table. Lol. Peter short: London, 159.6—7. Imperfect: wanting the first six leaves of Vol. 1 and the last seventeen leaves of Vol.2. The’ tilepage of Vol. 2 has been inserted at the beginnir’ nf Vol. 1. - [sENExT CARD. J

    Card ID: 360

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    Author: FOX (John Howard)


    C43Y 973 FOX (John Howard). See CKARL1S [DE VALOISI, Duke d’Orleans. [Selections.) Choix de posies. EcUtes daprs le ma Royal 16 F II du British Museum, rar John Fox. Exeter, 1973.

    Card ID: 382

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    Author: FOX (John Howard)


    XTK (Pci) FOX (John Howard). The fthetorical tradition in French literature of the later Middle Ages... An Inaugural Lecture delivered in the University of Exeter on 17 January 1969. pp.24. Exeter, 1969.

    Card ID: 380

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    Author: FOX (Sir John Charles)


    SqW Nea FOX (Sir John Charles). See NEALE (omas), Groom-Porter to their Majesties. The Lady Ivie ‘s trial for great part of Sha.dvell... before lord Chief Justice JelTreys in 16814. [Plaintiff: T.Neale.] Edited by Sir J.C.Fox, etc. 80. Oxford, 1929.

    Card ID: 379

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    Author: FOX (Adam)


    rc FOX (Adam). John Mill and Richard bentley: a study of the textual criticisDi of the New Testament, 1675— 1729. (The Aularian_Series, 3.) pp. xii. ÷ i68. Portrait and facsimile. 8°. Oxford, 1954.

    Card ID: 216

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    Author: FOX (George Gillespie)


    YE G68a Fox FOX (George Gillespie). The Mediaevai. sciences in the works of John Gower etc. [Thesis: Princeton University.) (Princeton Studies in English, 6.) pp. 164. Princeton, 1931.

    Card ID: 337