
Search Term (count):

FOX George a:n george|k:n (george) (13)



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    Author: FOX (George)


    Puc P1? F FOX (George), Founder of the Society of Friends. A Journal or historical account of the 1fe, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences and labour of love in the work of the ministry of...George Fox, etc. (The preface, being a summary account oYthe divers dispensations of God to men, etc. [By W.Fennj The testimony of Margaret Fox, concerning her late husband George Fox, etc. The testimony of some of the author’s reitons etc. p. (46) + xviii. + 632 [or rather 732 Ti&). fol. London, 1694. SEE NEXT CARD.

    Card ID: 320

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    Author: FOX (George)


    FOX (George), Founder of the Sociy of Friends.. Journal of George Fox: being an historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love, in the work of the ministry, of that end— nent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, who departed this life...1690. Seventh edition...With notes, biographical and historical, etc. by W.Arinistead. [With a bibliography.] 2 voJ,s. 8. London, 1852.

    Card ID: 322

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    Author: FOX (George)


    PuFD 7F FOX (George), Founder of the Society of Friend. The Short, Journal and itinerary Journals of George Fox. In oonrnernorat,in of the t,eroen— tenary of M birth •(1624—l924. Now f1.rt publi%hed for Friends’ Historl.oal ooiation Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Edited by N, Penney. With an introduot,ion by T. E. Harvey. PPi. XXXiV + 403. 8, rid, 1Q25.

    Card ID: 324

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    Author: FOX (George)


    f FOX (George), Pounder of the Society of Friends.37 Lselections.J A Day—book of counsel & comfort from the Epistles of George Pox. Compiled by L.V.Hodgkin

    Card ID: 326

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    Author: FOX (George)


    tF3) - FOX (George),pounaer of_the Society oI! 1?riend8. ee 13Ic}G:EY (Augustus Charles). George Pox and the early QuaJters. London, 1884.

    Card ID: 327

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    Author: FOX (George)


    Pu?’ FOX Woo FOX (George), Founder of the SocIety of Friends. See NOOJ) (Herbert George). George Fox. tondon, 1912.

    Card ID: 332

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    Author: FOX (George)


    • I5 FOX (George), of Char. A Collection ofthe several books and writing given forth by...George Fox the Younger. [Edited by J.P., i.e.J.Penington?J pp. (8) + 1—278. 80. London, 1662. Ir4erfect: wanting pp.273—4 and 279.

    Card ID: 334

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    Author: FOX (George Gillespie)


    YE G68a Fox FOX (George Gillespie). The Mediaevai. sciences in the works of John Gower etc. [Thesis: Princeton University.) (Princeton Studies in English, 6.) pp. 164. Princeton, 1931.

    Card ID: 337

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    Author: E (George !illery) and, FOX (Philip)


    DEPOS1Tñ’P I HAlE (George !illery) and, FOX (Philip). The Rotation porôd f the sun as determii from the motions of the oloium flocouli. (Carnegie In. j jp_of Washf0n. Publoation No. 93.) pp. 54. 8. Wa.shinton, 1908.

    Card ID: 139

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    Author: RIVERS (George Henry Lane Fox)


    PIP—RIVERS (George Henry Lane Fox). See RIVS.

    Card ID: 202

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    Author: ROILESTOZ (George) and FOX, afterwards FOX—PITT— RIVERS (Augustus Henry Lane )


    DEPOSITORY ROILESTOZ (George) and FOX, afterwards FOX—PITT— RIVERS (Augustus Henry Lane ) ,General RepGrt of excavation of a twin—barrow and a single roima barrow at Siwel1 (Six Wolla, Parish of Compton, Somerset...With an appendix on the topography of Sigwe].l. [Reprinted froni the Journal of the Aiathropologioal Institute, !Tovem— her 1878.] pp. 12. Zato. 0 8 . London, 1878.

    Card ID: 159

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    Author: RIVERS (George Henry Lane Fox Pitt)


    RIVERS (George Henry Lane Fox Pitt). The Clash of culture and the contact of races: an antbropologioal and psychological sttdy of the laws of racial adaptabi1ity, with speCial reference to the depopiziation of the Pacific and the government of subject raoes...Vlith a frontispiece. pp. xiv. + 312. 80. London, 1927.

    Card ID: 11