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FOX Adam a:fox adam|k:0328 (3)
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FOX, Adam
Author: FOX (Adam)
F- FOX (Adam). English hyriins and hrmn writ.ers. With...plates... ancl...illustrations, etc. (Eritein in Pictures: the British People in Pictures,) pp. 47 + (i). 0 8 . London, 1947.
Card ID: 215
rc FOX (Adam). John Mill and Richard bentley: a study of the textual criticisDi of the New Testament, 1675— 1729. (The Aularian_Series, 3.) pp. xii. ÷ i68. Portrait and facsimile. 8°. Oxford, 1954.
Card ID: 216
FOX (Adam). See SLABEH I., een of g1erid. A Book of devotions composed by fer Maje3ty Elizabeth R. with trsnslatjons by Adam Fox arid a foreword by J.P. Hodges. Gerre.rds Cross, 1970.
Card ID: 217