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FOSTER Sir Michael a:a michael|k:a (michael) (2)
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FOSTER, Sir Michael
FOSTER, k Michael
Author: FOSTER (Sir Michael)
DEPOSITORY FOSTER (Sir Michael), 1C.C.B. A Text book of phyeiology...Third edition, revised. pp. xii. + 722. Illustrations, charts, diagrams and tables. 8°. London, 1879. H [Sixth edition of vols. 1—2, seventh edition of vol. 3, fifth edition of vol. Li.] (Part III. By M.Foster, assisted by C.S.Sherrington.) 14 vole. Illustrations, charts, diagrams aiid taliles. 8°. London and New York, 1893—97,1891.
Card ID: 217
Author: FOSTER (k Michael)
FOSTER (k Michael), K.c.. See ENGLAND. Departments of State and. Off Bodies Royal Corn ision ppoited to inQu±re into the Riatins of L1urnn aj4 Animal Tuberculosis. Interim (—third interim [andj final) report[sj of the Royal CommissioL A?oiated to Inquire the Relations of Huw.u id Animl Tuberculosis [Chirmazi: Sir M.Foster, iater W.H.Powerj. Presented to both Houses of Par— liameLit., London, 1904—15.
Card ID: 218