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FOSTER Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (20)



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    Author: FOSTER (Joseph)


    II FOSTER (Joseph), of BihcpYLeaio1th. Pease of Darlington. With notices of the families of Robson, Eackhouse, Dixon, and others, being the descendants of Joseph Pease of Shafton, in the parish of Felkirk, Yorkshire 1665—1719. Compiled by J. Foster. pp. (4) + 77. fllusjjat ion and_art. 40• Pr t ox’vt 1891. Inter1eave1.

    Card ID: 185

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    Author: FOSTER (Joseph)


    •F- FOSTER (Joseph), of Bishopwearmouth. Pedigrees recorded at the vistation of the county palatine of Durham made by 1575, 1615, and by i666. Editedby J. Foster. Illustrated with...coats of arms. pp. ix. + 358. 8°. London, privately printed, 1887.

    Card ID: 187

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    Author: FOSTER (Joseph)


    FOSTER (Joseph), of isçarmouth. j LONDON. 111. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Inns of Court. Grayts Inn. The Register of admissions to Gray’s Inn, 1521—1889. Together with the register of marriages in Grats Inn chapel, 1695— 1754. [Transcribedj by J. Foster. London, privately printed, 1889.

    Card ID: 194

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    Author: FOSTER (Joseph)


    DEPOSTQpy FOSTER (Joseph), of ,pwe.arouth, The Baronetage and knightage of the BrItish Empire (forming the second part of “The peerage, baronetage, and knightage of the British Fpire”) for 1882. pp. (6) + xxiii. + 769. I11ustrtiois.. 80. Westminster, 1882.

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: FOSTER (Joseph)


    •‘••• FOSTER (Joseph), of Biy.arrnouth. Pedigrees of the county families of England, Compiled by J.Foster and authenticated by the members of each family. The heraldic illustrations by J.Forbes—Nixon. Vol. 1. Lancashire. 40• London, 1875.

    Card ID: 186

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    Author: FOSTER (Joseph)


    F03 FOSTER (Joseph), of Bishopweamo. Some feudal coats of arms from heraldic rolls 1298—1418, etc. pp. xxvii. + 268. Plates, illustrations and facsimiles. 8°. London and Oxford, 1902.

    Card ID: 190

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    Author: FOSTER (Joseph)


    FOSTER (Joseph), of Bishopwearouth. See ELLIS (Thonias Evelyn Scott—), 8th Baron Howard de Walden. The De Walden Library4 [London, 19041. 1. Some feudal lords and their seals. [By Lord Howard de Walden and J. Foster.] 2. Banners, standards and badges front a Tudor manuscript, etc. [With notes by J. Foster.] 3. A Tudor book of arms...Blasoned by J.Fóst

    Card ID: 191

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    Author: MER (Joseph)


    F2 F0MER (Joseph), of i3ishopwearmouth. Index ecoleiaoticus; or, Alphabetical lists of all coolesiastical dignitaries in ngland and Viales (1800—40)...Edited by J. Foster. pp. Viii. + 200. IL. I.] 40 Oxford, 1890. This work 785 originally intended to cover the oeriod sinàe the eformstion, and to contain i5O0OO entries, The t1t1e—age is that for the projected work, but the section lB00—40 is all that was published. [Another oppy.]

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: PRIESTLEY (Joseph)


    PRIESTLEY (Joseph), IL.D. Considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston and the decomposition of water..1And, Two lectures on combustion and an examination of Doctor Priestley’s considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston by John aolean... Edited, with a sketch of the life and letters of Doctor Aac].an by W. Foster. pp. vi. + (2) + l1 + (1). Frontispiece, portraits and facsimiles. 8°. IPrinceton, printed], )229.

    Card ID: 441

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    Author: WB (Joseph)


    WB (Joseph), Foster—brother o Marie Antoinette. Mrnoires do Weber, concernant Marie—Antoinette,.. [Principally oomposed by the Llarquis do La].lyo11endaj.] Avec des notes et des claircissemer historiques par I’. Bervi11e ot Barrière. Paris, 1822. See BERVILLE (S • A.) a rid r (J. Collection doe m4moires relatife a la R4volut ion PranSaise.

    Card ID: 329

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    Author: FOSTER (Sir William)


    DP%E’3 Fo S FOSTER (Sir William). f>i The Red Sea and adjacent countries at the close of the seventeenth century as described by Joseph Pitts, William Daniel and Charles Jacques Poncet. Edited by Sir W.Foster. (Works Issued by the ffaklufl Society. Second Series, 100.) pp. xl. + 192. Bibliography, facsimile titlepages, maps and folded frontispiece. 80. London, 1949. /

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: GREEN (Joseph Joshua)


    GREEN (Joseph Joshua). See FOSTER (C.W.) History of.the Wilmer fani1y, together with soLne account of its descendants... [Chapters XIV—XV’III. by) J.J.Green. Leeds, privately printed, i388.

    Card ID: 453