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FORSYTH William a:forsyth william|k:it (william) (3)
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FORSYTH, William
FORSYTH, William, Q! Lii
Author: FORSYTH (William)
Msry fr FORSYTH (William), Q.C., LL.D. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, from the letters and journals of the late Sir Hudson Lowe, and official docuent not before made public, etc. 3 vole. Portrait, plates and folaed map. 8°. London, 1853.
Card ID: 360
FORSYTH (William), Q.c.,ix Life o1 Marcus Tu].lius Cicero...Third edition. With...iilustrations. pp. xiv. + (2)+ 557. 8°. Lond, 1869.
Card ID: 361
Author: FORSYTH (William), Q! Lii)
YK? i or FORSYTH (William), Q! Lii). The Novels and novelists of the eighteenth century, in illustration of the manners and morals of the age. [A reprint of the edition of 1871.] pp. viii, 3I7. Port Washington, NY. and London, 1970.
Card ID: 362