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FORREST William a:on william|k:it (william) (7)
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FORREST, William
ORREST, Sir George William
PEMBLE, William
No Author available
P, Edward CThares
Author: FORREST (William)
FORREST (William) The History of Grisild the Second: a narrati’e, in verse, of the divorce of Queen Katharine of Arragon. Written by W.Forrest, and now edited.. by W.D.Macray. (Appendix. Specimens of Forrest’s other works.) London, 1875. . LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Roxburghe Club. [Publications.] No. 101.
Card ID: 76
Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)
:3- -r SHAKESPEARE (William). [Sonnets. — ppendix.J See FORREST (H.T.s.) The Five authors of’Shake-speares sonnets’. LQfldOfl, 1923.
Card ID: 304
Author: ORREST (Sir George William)
‘ORREST (Sir George William). viwCii O. See INDIA,[ Imperial ReordDepartuient. [Be2agal arid Iviaöras papers, l67l-176, colleoted by Sir G. W. Forrest.) Lcalcutte, 1928.)
Card ID: 63
Author: PEMBLE (William)
coN SOCIETY PEMBLE (William). Five godly, and profitable sermons concerning 1. The slaverie of sinne. 2. The niischeife of ignorance. . The roote of apostasie. 4. The benefit of Gods service. 5 The’ Christians loue...The second edition. [Edited by J.Tombes.] 5 parts in 1 vol. 4°. Printed by Iohn Lichfield for Edward Forrest: Oxford, 1629. The title—ags a wood—cut border. Each sermon has a sparateoaginatiox but the gIster is continuous. Imperfect wantir th 1st leaf.
Card ID: 447
Author: No Author available
B.P{tft,0j FORREST (Sir George William). The Famine in India. pp. iv. + 40. 80 London, 1897.
Card ID: 59
Author: P (Edward CThar1es)
Yxk Wag WAGIThECfliP (Edward CThar1es). rely players: [David Garrick, Edimnd Kean, William Ctarles icrea&y, FiwIn Forrest, Edwin Both, Sir henry Irving, Joseph Jefferson, Richard nsfield.J pp. xiv, 270. BIbliography, portraits and plates. 8°. norner Okia., 1966.
Card ID: 179
L .4 c’ IONDON. Early Engliäh Text Society. LPublioatbns.: Kxtra series. 12, 32. England in the reign o King.Esniy the ighth. Part 1. Starkey’s life and letters. With an appendix, giving an extract from ir William Forrest’s- Pleasaimt poeaye of prinoelie practise. Edited by S. J. Herrtage. (Part 2. A Dialoguebetweer Cardinal ?ole and Thomas Lupset...By T. Starkey. dited, with a preface, notes and glossary by 3. M. Cowper.) pp. xcv. + xcix + c—clxxvil. + 236. 8°. London, l8?8, 71. e [Another cow.] [L.I.]
Card ID: 465