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FORMAN Harry Buxton a:p •|k:p (will) (3)
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FORMAN, Harry Buxton
Author: FORMAN (Harry Buxton)
Cc o w FORMAN (Harry Buxton). Between the lines: letters and inetioranda interchanged by !.B.Forman and T.J.Wise, [during the preparation of Nicoll and Wise#s Literary anecdotes of the nineteenth century). With a foreword by C.FT.Pforzheimer and an introductory essay and notes by F.E.atchford. pp. xii. + 3d. Facsimiles. 8°. AustIn, Texas2 1945. 525 copies printed.
Card ID: 540
FORMAN (Harry Buxton). 1O1DON. [III. )1iscellaneoue Institutions, Societies, etc.] — Shelley Sooiety. — Publications. — Second Series. 2.’?. Rosa].ind and Helen: a modern eclogue, with other poems. By P. B. Shelley. A type fac-sirnile of the original edition of 1819. Edited by H. Buxton ‘orrnan. London, 1888.
Card ID: 545
FORMAN (Harry Buxton). LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] — Shelley Society. — Publications. — Etra Series, 4. The Maek of anarchy. Written on the occasion of the massacre at Manchester, by 1’. B. Shelley...With an introduction by H. Buxton Forman. London, 188?.
Card ID: 547