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FORDE Cyril Daryll a:p |k:p (will) (6)
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FORDE, Cyril Daryll
FORDE, Cyril Daryll and SCOTT, Richenda
FORDE, Cyril Daryll and JONES, Gwilym Iwan
Author: FORDE (Cyril Daryll)
Y FORDE (Cyril Daryll). Ancient mariners: the story of ships and sea. ioutes. [With a ib1iography.) (The Beginning of Things.) pp. vi. (2) + 88 Illustrations and m. 12g. London, 1927.
Card ID: 344
FORDE (Cyril Daryll). Marriage and the family’ainong the Yak8 in South—Eastern Nigeria.’ (Monos n S.oQiaJ. Antoor,5.) pp. (8)-:+ 121. Pjb13.aphy, o1atesjnat and tables. 8°. London, 1941. pescr1 facsimi1e -
Card ID: 348
FORDE (Cyril Daryll). Peoples of the Niger-Benue confluences The Nupe, by D.Forde. Lhe Ibira, by P. Brown The Igala, by R.G.Armstrong.. The Idoma-speaking peoples, by R.G.Armstrong. lWith bibliographies.] (Ethnographic Survey of Africa. Western Africa, 10.) pp. 158. Maps. 8°. London, 1955.
Card ID: 349
CI FORDE (Cyril Daryll). See LONDON. CIII.] International Africe.n_ Institute. Select annotated bibliography of tropical Africa. Compiled by the International African Institute under tile direction ci’ D.Forde. pp. (513). New York, 1956.
Card ID: 351
Author: FORDE (Cyril Daryll) and SCOTT (Richenda)
FORDE (Cyril Daryll) and SCOTT (Richenda). The Native economies of Nigeria. See PERiAM (im targery F.), D.C.M.G. The Economice of a tropical dependency... Edited by M.Perham, etc. Vol.1. London, 1946.
Card ID: 353
Author: FORDE (Cyril Daryll) and JONES (Gwilym Iwan)
FORDE (Cyril Daryll) and JONES (Gwilym Iwan). The Ibo and Ibibio—speaking peoples of South-. eastern Nigeria. [with a bibliography.] (EthnQgraphic Survey of Africa. Western Afriç, 3j pp. 94. Tables and folded map. 8°. tcmdon,195O.
Card ID: 352