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FORD, Peter
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Author: FORD (Peter)
Bee Reference only BEC1FORD (Peter). Thou,hts on fox and hare hunting, in a series of familiar letters to a friend. . .A new edition, illustrated by plates from origina.1 paintings engraved by John Scott. pp.311i. I London], 1810.
Card ID: 313
Author: No Author available
025 [LancasterJ (p.c.) BROPHY (Peter). A Library management game: a report on a research project. By P.. Brophy, 14.K. Buckland, G. Ford, A. Mindle and A.G. Mackenzie, with an appendix by L.C. Guy. Lancaster, 1972. See LANC1tTER. University of Lancaster. Library. Ocrasional papers, 7.
Card ID: 458
025 [Lancaster) (P.C.) DALY (Jeannette). The Use of gaining in education for library management: final report on a research project. y Jeannette Daly with Geoffrey Ford, Anthony Nindje, Peter Brophy, Michael K. Buckland and A. Graham Mackenzie. fol. Lancaster, 1976. See LANCASTEa. University of Lancaster. Library. Occasional papers, 8.
Card ID: 167
025 LYancaaterJ (P.C.) LANCASTER. University of Lancaster. Library. Occsiona1 papers1etc. [Continued.] 8. The Use of gaming in education for library management: final report on a research project. By Jeannette Daly with Geoffrey Ford, Anthony Hindle, Peter Brophy, Michael K. ckland axid A. Graham Mackenzie. 1976. 9. uropean acquisitions and their bibliographical control: proceedings of an exchange of experience seminar at St Antony’ College, Oxford, 26 Iarch, 1974. Edited by Cohn te’le and Gregory walker. 1975. [s NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 53
QO? Ox! (P.C.) OXFORD. University of Oxford. Penal. Research Unit. Occasional paperis]. [Continued.] 4. The Jury at work: a study of a series of jury trials in which the defendant was acquitted. By Sarah McCabe and Robert Purves. 1972. 5. Advising aentencers: a study of recommendatios made by probation officers to the courts. By Peter Ford. 1972. 6. The Hospital order in London Magistrates’ Courts. By G.H.Boehringer and Sarah NcCabe. 1973. SEE NEXT CApjj .J
Card ID: 179