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FORD, Charles Harold
Author: FORD (Charles Harold)
FORD (Charles Harold). BngliBh literature. [With a bibliography.] (Bonn’s Sizpenry Library, No.51.) pp.80. l6. london, [1928.]
Card ID: 157
: £ CIk- - HEflFORD (Charles Harold). Williai! Blake...Reprinted from 11The Bulletin of the ‘john Rylands Library,” Vol. 12, No. 1. pp. 16. 8°. ançhester, 1928. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 174
FORD (Charles Harold). §. SHLIY (P.B.) The Narrative poems of Percy Bysahe Shelley arranged in chronological order. With an introduction by 0.11. Rerford. London, l92’.
Card ID: 184