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FORBES John a:on john|k:0799 (7)
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FORBES, John, successively
FORBES, Sir John
TOR, FORBES, John Murray
IOYLE, John Forbes
WATSON, John FOrbes
Author: FORBES (John)
POu For - FORBES (John), of Gorse. (Irenicum. - English.] The First book of the Irenicum of John Forbes of Gorse: a contribution to the theology of’ reunion. Translated and edited with introduction, notes & sopendices by E.G. Selwyn. pp. x. + 254. 8°. Cambridge, 1923.
Card ID: 89
FORBES (John) of Upper Bondlie. See ABEIRDEEN. Thirã. Spalding Club. The Jacobite cess roll for the oounty of Aberdeen in 1715. From the MS. of J. Forbes of Upper Boynilio,etc. Aberdeen, 1932.
Card ID: 90
Author: FORBES (John), successively )
FORBES (John), successively ) of’ A1fp, Middétzg and 1ft. Certaine records touching the estate of the Kirk In the years MDCV. -& MDCVI. 1846. See EDINBURGh IPubitcations.] SCOT (w1), lAipizter of Cit. An Apologetical narration,- .
Card ID: 88
Author: FORBES (Sir John)
FORBES (Sir John). . FORBES (Aiexander), g. California: a history, eto. [Edited by Sir J. Forbes]. London, Chichester printed, l89.
Card ID: 92
Author: TOR ( FORBES (John Murray)
)EPCiTOR ( FORBES (John Murray), Railway Builder. PEARSON (u.G.) An American railroad builder: John Murray Forbes. - Boston [Mass.} and New York, 1911.
Card ID: 93
Author: IOYLE (John Forbes)
IOYLE (John Forbes) Medical education: being a lecture delivered at King’s College, London. pp. viii. + 63. Foldec table. 0 8 . London, 1845.
Card ID: 554
Author: WATSON (John FOrbes)
UPQTQ,ft WATSON (John FOrbes). Index to the native and scientific names of Indian and other Eastern economic plants and products, .ç. pp. viii. 1- 637. 80. Inioji, i868.
Card ID: 237