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FORBES Alexander Penrose a:p •|k:p (will) (2)
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FORBES, Alexander Penrose
Author: FORBES (Alexander Penrose)
4; For FORBES (Alexander Penrose), Bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church at Brechin. Kalendars of Scottish saints. With personal notices of those of Alba, Lauclonia, & Strathelyde. An attempt to fix the districts of their several missions, etc. [With a bibliography.) pp. (8) + lxv. + 468. Facsimile. 40 Edinburgh, 1872.
Card ID: 13
DrPcST Oft’ FORBES (Alexander Penrose), Bishop of the Scottish piscopa1 Church at Brechin. See DREXELEUS (Hieremias). The fle1iotropiu...Froin the Latin of’ J.Drexelius by R.N.Shutte. With a preface by A,P..Forbes. Second edition. Londoii, 1890.
Card ID: 15