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FOCKE Alfred an (alfred) (8)
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FOCKE, Alfred
No Author available
FORT, Gertrud von
RILKE(Rainer Maria
Author: FOCKE (Alfred)
___ FOCKE (Alfred). Liebe und Pod: Versuch einer Deutung tind Auseinandersetzung mit Rainer MariaRilke. [With a bibliography.) pp. i88 + (4). 8°. Vienna, 1948.
Card ID: 185
L FOCKE (Alfred). ICC. Gertrud von le Fort: Gesarntschau und Grundlagen ihrer Dichtung. [with a bibliography.J pp. 472. 8°. Graz, 1960.
Card ID: 184
Author: No Author available
FOCKE (Alfred B.) TtANN (G.H.) and FOCKE (LB.) Absorption of supersonic waves in water and in aqueous suspensions, etc. [Lancaster, Pa.], 1940.
Card ID: 186
FOCKE (Alfred B.) See SHEAR (S.L) and FOCKE (A.B.) The Dispersion of supersonic waves in cylindrical rods of polycrystalline silver, nickel and magnesium, . [Lane Pa.], 1940.
Card ID: 187
Author: FORT (Gertrud von)
)(IA/r LE FORT (Gertrud von). F0. See FOCKE (Alfred). Gertrud von le I’ort: Jeaanitsohau und Grundlagen ihrer Dichtung. Graz, 1960.
Card ID: 289
Author: RILKE(Rainer Maria)
(Lj () RILKE(Rainer Maria). See FOCKE (Alfred). Liebe und Tod: Versuch einer Deutung und Auseinaridersetzung mit Rainer Maria Rilke. Yienna, 1948.
Card ID: 153
t.’’; ‘):. ,r! HARTMANN (Gregory ICemeryl) and FOCKE (Alfred B.) Absorption of supersonic waves- in water and in aqueous suspensioris...A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Broi University [by G.K.Hartmaxm]. Reprinted from the Physical Review, Vol. 57, No. 3. pp. 221—225. Diagrams and table. 40 [Lancaster, Pa..], 1940. Cata1oged from the ‘rapper.
Card ID: 525
T: I-. SHEAR (Sidney Kingsbury) and FOCKE (Alfred B.) The Dispersion of supersonic waves in cylindrical rods of polycrystalline silver, nickel and magnesiuin...A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Brown University, 193.9 [by S.K.Shear]. Reprinted from the Physical Review. Vol. 57, No. 6. pp. 532—537. Diagrams. 40 [Lancaster Pa.] 1940. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 458