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FNELON François de a:s françois de|k:s (a!ltoine de) (3)
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FNELON, François de
Author: FNELON (François de)
&€Cf OiIji SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE FNELON (François De), Archbishop of Catnbr4y. Le Avventure di Teleznaco, figiluolo d’Ulisse... Tradotta dal linguaggio Francese neil’Italiam. Terza edizione etc. pp. (14) + 438. Frontis— pjece. LS.Li 8° Venice, 1717.
Card ID: 260
C )L ‘q i) I4 L SALIGNAC DE LA ILOTHE FNELON (François De), Archbishop of Cambray. F4nelon’.s Dialogues on eloquence. A translation, with an introduction and notes by W.S.Howell. pp. (10) + i6o. 0 8 . Princeton. N.J., 191.
Card ID: 273
SALIGNAC 1JE LA MOTHE FNELON (François De), ArchbIsIt of Cambray. See M***, Directr au Srninate de SaintSu lpice. Reeherches bib1iographques sin’ le T41maque...Par M***, Oirecteu.r au Sminaire de Saint—Sulpice {i.e. AP.P. Caron]. Seconde 4dition. Pari and. Lyons, 1840.
Card ID: 295