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FITZGERALD, Percy Hetherington
Author: FITZGERALD (Percy Hetherington)
FITZGERALD (Percy Hetherington). The Garrick Club. pp. xviii. + (2) + 252. Portraits. 0 8 . Lonaon, 1904.
Card ID: 511
YX4 KEN Pit FITZGERALD (Percy Hetherington). The iCembles: an account of the Kernble fanily, Including the lives of Mrs. Siddons and her brother John Philip Kemble. 2 vols. Ports. London, [187Jj.
Card ID: 513
‘iN D55a Fit FITZGERALD (Percy Hetherington). Memories of Charles Dickens • With an account of “Household words” and “AU the year round” arid of the contributors thereto. pp. xiv. + 383. Portraits, plates and facsimiles. 8 Bristol and London, 1915.
Card ID: 522
YN F FITZGERALD (Percy Hetherington). Pickwick ridd1e and perplexities. pp. 107. Frontispiece. 8. London, 1912.
Card ID: 524
153a Fit FITZGERALD (Percy Hetherington). Rochester and Charles Dickens. . .Reprinted trctn the Rochester & Chatham Journal. pp. 71. Plates. 80. [Rochester?] 1903.
Card ID: 527
FITZGERALD (Percy Hetherington). FJ Samuel Foote: a biography. pp. vii. + 382. Portrait. 8°. Londor, 1910. Malcolm Morley ‘, .- 1 [Another copy.] Collection -
Card ID: 530