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FISKE John a:l john|k:to (john) (9)
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Author: FISKE (John)
NDB Fis FISKE (John). The American Revolution. 2 vols. Portrait, maps and plans. 80. London [Cambridge, Ms., printed], 1891. _____ Another copy. [j 33 NDB Fis
Card ID: 303
N TAS Fs FISKE (John). The Beginnings of Ne England; or, the Puritan theocracy in its relations to civil and religious liberty. (Sixth edition.) [With a bibliographical note.1 pp. xvii. + 296. Folded map. 8°. pst [Mass.] and New York, l92. .Anotbcr copy. E33 NJAS Fis
Card ID: 304
FISKE (John). The Id.ea of God as affected. by modern 1ow1edgG. pp. 17. 8°. London, 1885.
Card ID: 306
FISKE (John). ever1at1ng pp. 87, 8°. London, 1901.
Card ID: 307
OEOSlT0 R FISKE (John). Man’s destiny. pp. 121. CL.W.L.) 8. London, 1887.
Card ID: 308
ZZ74 us FISKE (John). The Miscellaneous writings of John Fiske. With many portraits of illustrious philosophers, scientists, and other men of note. (Standard Library Edition.) 12 vole. Boston and New York, 1902. 1-4. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 5. Myths and mythmakers. 6. The Unseen world and other essays. 7. Excursions of an evolutionist. 8. Darwiniem and other essays. 9. Studies in religion. 10. A Century of science and other essays. 11 • The Mississippi -. - - ie Civil War. 12. Civil government in the United States.
Card ID: 309
rr FISKE (John). Myths and myth—makers: old tales and superstitions interpreted by oomparative thology. pp. vi + (2) + 251.. 8°. London, i87.
Card ID: 310
NAQ F is FISKE (John). 11ev France and 11ev England. pp. xxiii, + 378. Maps. 8 °L Boston and New York, 1902. _____ Another cops Ls 33 NAQ Its
Card ID: 311
NA74 Par FISKE (John). See PARK!AN (Francis), the Yunsr. Francis Parknwa’a works. [With an introductory essay by John Fiske.J Boston, 1899.
Card ID: 317