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FISHER, Geoffrey Francis
Author: FISHER (Geoffrey Francis)
PS7 F533Y 958 FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), Baron Fisher ot Lambeth, Archbishop of’ Canterbury. The Archbishop speaka: addresses and speeches1..Selected by Edward Caroenter, pp. 231. London, 1958.
Card ID: 79
on Fisher of Lambeth, FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), succassivly Bishop sf— Ctr -‘f Lgpdon Archbish of Canterbury. The Challenge of a new reign: an address given at the service of thanksgiving for the life and example of his late Majesty King George VI.... St. Paul’s Cathedral, Sunday February 17, 1952. pp. (4). o . Lonon, [1952.
Card ID: 80
Jo FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), Beron Fisher of Lambetb, of izanth,-n--and- Archbishop of cóuterbur. See L.AMBETH PALACE. Joint Conferences of Represenbajyes pf Chob of Enpland and of the Federal Council Evangelical Free Churches 1921, Church relations in England...Together with the sermon preached by the Archbishop of Canterbury [i.e. G,F.Fjsher) on November 3rd, 1946, entitle4 A Step forward in church relations. - London, [1950].
Card ID: 87
FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), Baron Fisher of Lainbeth, and ArchbjshoD of Canterbury. See SMYTH (Charles Hugh Egerton). Th€ Church and the nation: six studies in the Anglican tradition...Introdueed by the sermon preached by Archbishop Lord Fisher at his enthronement, . [LondJ, 1962.
Card ID: 88