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FISHER Alexander in (alexander) (5)
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FISHER, Alexander
MACINTOSI, Alexander Fisher
L, Arthur Leighton
No Author available
Author: FISHER (Alexander)
03V Fis FISHER (Alexander), Surgeon, EJ. Journal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic regions performed between the 4th of April and the :18th of November, 1818, in his majesty’s ship Alexander, Wm.Edw.Parry, Esq. Lieut. and Commander. By an officer of the Alexander [i.e. A.Fisher]. 12°. London, [1820). PAJRY (Sir Wi1]iam ar, Rear-Admiral.
Card ID: 42
Author: MACINTOSI (Alexander Fisher)
O81TQI - MACINTOSI (Alexander Fisher). A Military tour in European Turkey, the Crimea, and on the eastern shores of the Black Sea, including routes across the Balkan into Bulgaria, and excursions in the Turkish, Russian, and Persian provinces of the Caucasian range, with strategical observations on the probable scene of the operations of the allied expeditionary force...Second edition, revised and enlarged. pp. xi. + 420. Folded. m. [S.R. 8°. London, 1854.
Card ID: 238
Author: L (Arthur Leighton)
folio 33 VLbU ROC Gup GUFT]1L (Arthur Leighton). Norn RockreU, i1li.wtrtor. • .Preface by Dorothy nfle1d Fisher. Biogzphi cal introductiort by Jack Alexander. pp. 208. Illus. New York, j9l6.
Card ID: 442
Author: No Author available
folio 33 ‘11W ROC Cup cxwEiJ.. (Non). See GUPTUL (Arthur Leighton). Norman Rockwell, illustrator. . .Preface by Dorothy (nfie1d Fisher. Biographical introduction by Jack Alexander. New York, 19Z46.
Card ID: 439
JJkNtJA LINGUARUM. Janua linguaruni. . .Series practica. [Continued.] )+6. KRUPA (Viktor). Horpheme and word in Maori. 1966. )+7. FISHER (John C.) Linguistics in remedial English. 1966. 5c 48. HALLIDAY (Michael Alexander Kirkwood). Intonation and grarnmar in British g1is. 1967. 49. YOTSUKURA (Sayo). The Articles in English: a structural analysis of use. 1970. SJ!E NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 503